Opening Ceremony
Welcoming addresses by the conference hosts
- Ms. Amina Mohammed, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General (via video-message)
- Mr. Indran Naidoo, Director, Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP, and Vice-Chair, United Nations Evaluation Group
- Ms. Randa Aboul-Hosn, Resident Representative, UNDP Egypt
- H.E., Ms. Hala Helmy El Saeed, Ministry of Planning, Monitoring & Administrative Reform, Egypt (via video message)
Leaving No One Behind: Evaluation for 2030
- Ms. Heather Bryant, Chief, Capacity Development Section, Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP
- Mr. Pedro Conceição, Director, Human Development Report Office, UNDP
- Mr. Ahmed Kamaly, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Adminstrative Reform, Egypt
- Mr. Juha Uitto, Director, Independent Evaluation Office, Global Environment Facility
- Ms. Sukai Prom-Jackson, Chair and Inspector, Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations
- Mr. Indran Naidoo, Director, Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP
Session 1: Transforming Evaluation through Partnerships
Moderator: Mr. Carlos Andres Asenjo Ruiz, Evaluation Officer (Evaluation Capacity Development), Independent Evaluation Section, UNODC
- Ms. Karen Rot-Mustermann, Ag. Evaluator General, Independent Development Evaluation, African Development Bank
- Ms. Evelyn Naomi Mpagi Kaabule, President, African Parliamentarians Network on Development Evaluation, and Former Member of Parliament, Uganda
- Mr. Kwabena Boakye, Acting Chief Director, Ministry of Monitoring & Evaluation, Ghana
- Mr. El Hassan El Mansouri, Secretary General National Observatory of Human Development, Morocco
- Mr. Abdelilah Baguare, Professor and Researcher, University Moulay Ismail, Master’s Programme in Public Policy Evaluation, Morocco
- Mr. Mohssine Dounasi, Student, University Moulay Ismail, Master’s Programme in Public Policy Evaluation
- Mr. Luca Molinas, Regional Evaluation Officer, Regional Bureau Cairo, United Nations World Food Programme
- Mr. Moez Boubaker, Senior Advisor to the Minister of Education, Tunisia
- Ms. Sheren Subhi Hamed, Dean, Princess Sarvath Community College, Jordan
Session 2: Evaluation and the SDGs
Moderator: Mr. Arild Hauge, Deputy Director, Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP
- Ms. Ulla Järvelä-Seppinen, Development Policy Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland
- Mr. Sami Pirkkala, Counsellor, Sustainable Development and the 2030 Agenda Strategy Department of the Prime Minister’s Office, Finland (via video-conference)
- Mr. Lawal Zakari, PhD, Director, National Monitoring & Evaluation Department, Ministry of Budget & National Planning, Nigeria
- Mr. Mohd. Monirul Islam, Deputy Secretary, Governance Innovation Unit, Prime Minister’s Office, Bangladesh
Session 3: Transforming Evaluation: Principles to ensure evaluation leaves no one behind
Moderators: Mr. Dugan Fraser, Director, Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR)
- Ms. Aisha Ali, M&E Specialist, Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR)
- Speakers: Participants from the pre-conference workshop
Session 4: Evaluation and the SDGs: Is Gender Being Left Behind?
Moderator: Ms. Inga Sniukaite, Chief, UN Women Independent Evaluation Service, UN Women Independent Evaluation and Audit Service
Segment 1: Gender Evaluation: A blind spot in SDG reporting
- Ms. Florencia Tateossian, Evaluation Specialist, UN Women Independent Evaluation Service, Independent Evaluation and Audit Service and EvalGender+ Co-Chair
- Ms. Margaret Kakande, Head, Budget, Monitoring and Accountability Unit, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda, and EvalGender+ African Evaluation Association Representative
Discussant: Mr. Marco Segone, Director, Evaluation Office, UNFPA
Segment 2: Evaluations of National Gender Equality Policies and Plans: Case studies of Colombia and Serbia
- Ms. Ljiljana Loncar, Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister for Gender Equality, Government of Serbia
- Ms. Lorena Trujillo, Coordinator of the Evaluation Group, Dirección Nacional de Seguimiento y Evaluación de Politicas Publicas, Colombia
Discussant: Ms. Inga Sniukaite, Chief, UN Women Independent Evaluation Service, UN Women Independent Evaluation and Audit Service
Session 5: Tools for Progress in National Evaluation Systems: Experiences using the National Diagnostics Tool
Moderator: Ms. Vijaya Vadivelu, Evaluation Advisor, Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP
- Ms. Madina Hady Tall, Monitoring and Evaluation Expert, Bureau of Economic Forecasting, Senegal
- Ms. Margaret Kakande, Head, Budget, Monitoring and Accountability Unit, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda, and EvalGender+ African Evaluation Association Representative
- Mr. Mayanja Gonzaga, Commissioner for Monitoring and Evaluation (Local Government), Office of the Prime Minister, Uganda
Session 6: Evaluating achievement of the SDGs: Lessons from partnering with the private sector
Moderator: Mr. Richard Jones, Evaluation Advisor, Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP
- Mr. Mohammed Alyami, PhD, Acting Director, Development Effectiveness Department, The Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector
- Ms. Lungiswa Zibi, Assistant Evaluation Specialist, Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Republic of South Africa
- Mr. Raghavan Narayanan, Senior Evaluation Officer, Finance and Private Sector Development Unit, World Bank Group
Transforming evaluation for transformative development – new evaluation criteria
- Mr. Rahul Malhotra, Head of Division, Reviews, Results, Evaluation and Development Innovation, Development Co-operation Directorate, OECD
- Ms. Megan Kennedy-Chouane, Evaluation Policy Adviser, OECD
- Ms. Bagele Chilisa, Professor, Post Graduate Research and Evaluation Program, University of Botswana, Botswana
- Ms. Randa Hamza, Senior Advisor for Strategic Planning and Evaluation, Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation, Egypt
- Mr. Per Øyvind Bastøe, Evaluation Director, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Norway
Session 7: Evaluation and the SDGs: Adapting to a changing climate
Moderator: Mr. Alan Fox, Section Chief, Corporate Evaluation, Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP
- Mr. Serdar Bayryyev, Senior Evaluation Officer, Evaluation Office, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- Mr. Dustin S. Schinn, Regional Climate Change Specialist, SDG-Climate Facility Project, UNDP
- Mr. Hassan Ibrahim Hassan, Elneilain Insurance Company, Sudan
- Discussants: Ms. Zénabou Segda, President, Women Environmental Programme, Burkina Faso
- Ms. Mashavu Omar, Commissioner for Monitoring and Evaluation, Zanzibar Planning Commission, United Republic of Tanzania
- Mr. Keiichi Muraoka, Director, ODA Evaluation Division, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
Session 8: National evaluation systems in Latin America: challenges and lessons learned for other regions
Moderator: Ms. Nataly Salas Rodríguez, Evaluator, Focelac Project, DEval, Costa Rica
- Ms. Carolina Zúñiga Zamora, Evaluation Analyst, Evaluation Unit, Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy (Mideplan), Costa Rica
- Mr. Gonzalo Hernández Licona, Evaluation Specialist in the public sector, former Director of the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval), Mexico
- Mr. Fernando Bucheli, Senior Evaluation Advisor, Public Policy Monitoring and Evaluation Area, National Planning Department (Sinergia), Colombia
- Ms. Viviana María Lascano Castro, Director, Public Policy Evaluation of the Technical Secretariat of Planning (Senplades), Ecuador
- Ms. Janett Salvador Martínez, Board Member, Latin America and the Caribbean Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization Network (ReLAC)
Session 9: Transforming Evaluation for Transformative Development: Data and Methods Innovations
Moderator: Mr. Helge Rieper, Senior M&E Advisor, Rule of Law and Human Security Unit, UNDP, Afghanistan
- Mr. Kwanpadh Suddhi-Dhamakit, Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan (LOTFA) M&E Team Leader, UNDP, Afghanistan
- Ms. Rose Foran, Technical Specialist SDG 16, UNDP, Somalia
- Mr. Zakariye Harbi Ahmed, Head, Evaluation and Research Department, Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development, Somalia
- Mr. Edward Mulbah, Liberia Peacebuilding Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Liberia
Session 10: Strengthening demand for and use of national evaluation systems to inform national development strategies
Moderator: Ms. Ada Ocampo, Senior Evaluation Specialist, UNICEF
Presentation: Mr. Marco Segone, Director – Evaluation, UNFPA
- Ms. Evelyn Naomi Mpagi Kaabule, President, African Parliamentarians Network on Development Evaluation, and Former Member of Parliament, Uganda
- M. Abdelilah El Halouti, 2ème vice-président de la Chambre des Conseillers, Morocco
- Mr. Asela Kalugampitiya, Secretariat, The Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation
- Ms. Olfa Cherif, Member of Parliament, Tunisia
- Ms. Josephine Watera, Head, Evaluation Unit, Parliament, Uganda
Session 11: Progress in National Evaluation Systems: Bridging country experiences
Moderator: Ms. Vijaya Vadivelu, Evaluation Advisor, Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP
- Mr. Gamil Helmy, Assistant Minister for Monitoring Affairs, Ministry for Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform, Egypt
- Ms. Milva Emilia Samudio, Evaluation Specialist, Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, Panama
- Ms. Uyapo Mosarwa, Chief Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, National Strategy Office, Botswana
Session 12: Transforming Evaluation: New ways of looking at what works in policy interventions: Using geospatial data in evaluation
Moderator: Mr. Juha Uitto, Director, Independent Evaluation Office, Global Environment Facility
- Mr. Jozef Leonardus (Jos) Vaessen, Methods Advisor, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank
- Ms. Jeneen Garcia, Evaluation Officer, Independent Evaluation Office, Global Environment Facility
- Mr. Raphael Nawrotzki, Evaluator, DEval - German Institute for Development Evaluation
Architecture for Evaluation Effectivene
Key note speaker:
- Mr. Marco Segone, Director, Evaluation Office, UNFPA
- Speakers
- Mr. El Hassan El Mansouri, General Secretary, National Observatory of Human Development, Morocco
- Ms. Esme Faith Nhlane, Chief Economist, M&E, National Planning Commission, Malawi
- Ms. Zorka Kordic, Deputy Secretary-General of the Government, Head of Department for Government Strategies, Secretariat-General of the Government of Montenegro
- Ms. Violeta Corpus, Director IV, National Economic and Development Authority, Philippines
Session 16: Strengthening Evidence-Informed Decision Making at a Country Level: Challenges and Recommendations
Moderator: Mr. Jozef Leonardus (Jos) Vaessen, Methods Advisor, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank
- Ms. Yildiz Yapar, Strategy and Budget Expert, Presidency Strategy and Budget Office, Turkey
- Mr. Balsama Heliarison Andriantseheno, General Coordinator, Programme of Reform for the Efficiency of the Administration, Madagascar
- Ms. Aliona Ursoi, Deputy Head of the Policy Coordination Department, State Chancellery, Republic of Moldova
- Mr. Boubacar Aw, Director, Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR), Francophone Africa
- Mr. Amos Menard, Senior Programme Manager, Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR), Francophone Africa
Session 17: Making the case for country-led evaluations of the SDGs
Moderator: Ms. Ada Ocampo, Senior Evaluation Specialist, UNICEF
- Mr. Abdoulaye Gounou, Chief - Bureau of Evaluation, the Presidency, Republic of Benin
- Ms. Dorothy Lucks, EVALSDGs co-chair
- Mr. Jared Ichwara, M&E Specialist, National Treasury and Planning, Kenya
- Ms. Ulla Järvelä-Seppinen, Development Policy Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland
Session 18: Evaluation to Ensure No One Is Left Behind
Moderator: Ms. Heather Bryant, Section Chief, Capacity Development, Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP
- Mr. Camilo Gudmalin, Under Secretary, Special Concerns, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Philippines
- Ms. Elena Kukharevic, Deputy Chairperson, National Statistical Committee, Republic of Belarus
- Ms. Caroline Makuvire, Deputy Director, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Department, Office of the President and Cabinet, Zimbabwe
- Mr. Bassirou Chitou, Morris Interactive, Saskatoon, Canada
Session 19: Evolution of National Evaluation Systems
Moderator: Mr. Stephen Porter, Evaluation Strategy Advisor, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank
- Ms. Noqobo Nox Chitepo, Director, Evaluations, Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, South Africa
- Ms. Malineo Seboholi, Chief Economic Planner (M&E), Ministry of Development Planning, Lesotho
- Ms. Palesa Mashoai, Chief Economic Planner (M&E), Ministry of Development Planning, Lesotho
- Mr. Tolibov Mustafo, Main Specialist on Economic Analysis and International Relations on Statistics, Agency on Statistics under the President of Republic of Tajikistan
- Ms. Heba Gamal Eldin Mohamed, Assistant Professor, Institute of National Planning, Egypt
Session 20 : Les ODD et les systèmes nationaux d’évaluation
Moderator: M. Mamadou N’Daw, Evaluation Advisor, Regional Bureau for Africa, UNDP
- M. Lambert Somtigmeda Zongo, Chef de Département de la Transformation de l’Economie au SP-PNDES, Secrétariat permanent du Plan national de développement économique et social (SP-PNDES), Burkina Faso
- M. Abdelfattah Hamadi, Directeur du Pôle des Systèmes d’Information, Observatoire National du Développement Humain, Maroc
- Mme Anasthasie Ramadji, Economiste, Coordination Nationale du Suivi des ODD, Tchad
- M. Jeireb Saleck, Directeur des Etudes, de la Coopération et du Suivi, Ministère des Affaires Sociales de l’Enfance et de la Famille, Mauritanie
Session 21: Local governance, evaluation and the SDGs
Moderator: Ms. Angela Bester, Independent Evaluator, South Africa
- Mr. Ken Mike Ochieng Oluoch, Programme Officer, SDGs, Council of Governors Secretariat, Kenya
- Mr. Robert Papa, Economic Advisor and Head of Service Delivery Unit, Country Government of Busia, Kenya
- Mr. Rafael Hernandez, Economist, Technical Secretariat of Planning and Evaluation, Government of Yucatan, Mexico
- Mr. Kingsley Uche Nwabuba, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Nigeria REDD+ Programme, Nigeria
- Mr. Aman Ali Syed, Co-Founder, Pakistan Evaluation Association, Pakistan
Conclusions and Closing Ceremony
- Ms. Heather Bryant, Section Chief, Capacity Development, Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP
- Mr. Gamil Helmy, Assistant Minister for Monitoring Affairs, Ministry for Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform, Egypt
- Mr. Arild Hauge, Deputy Director, Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP
- Mr. Ahmed Kamaly, Deputy Minister, Ministry for Planning, Monitoring, and Administrative Reform, Egypt

Anchored in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and committed to the principles of universality, equality and leaving no one behind, the UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States supports the Arab States region to achieve sustainable development by eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, accelerating structural transformations for sustainable development, and building resilience to crises and shocks. Within this work the Regional Bureau for Arab States responds to needs across development settings including Middle Income Countries, Net Contributor Countries and countries affected by crisis, with a view to support the building of resilience, leverage the promise of innovation, and prioritize the advance of women, youth and vulnerable groups in a fast-moving development agenda as fraught with fragility as it is brimming with potential. In doing so RBAS endeavors to lead on specific development as well as a partner in galvanizing the efforts of the UN development system, international financial institutions, national and international partners, the private sector and civil society towards the collective outcomes envisaged in the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt will co-host the conference. The Government of Egypt is committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This commitment is reflected in its understanding of the intertwined nature of sustainable development and is embodied in the framework of Egypt’s national strategy, “Sustainable Development Strategy: Egypt Vision 2030” (SDS). The Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform is the main entity responsible for coordinating, monitoring and evaluating efforts towards the SDGs in Egypt.