About the NEC Conferences

The UNDP Independent Evaluation Office organized the first National Evaluation Capacities (NEC) Conference in 2009 in Casablanca, Morocco, with 55 participants. The conference was a success as it was able to draw unprecedented country and government support. This led to participants calling for follow-up events, and thus IEO launched a series of biennial NEC conferences. The seventh and latest conference in the series was held in Turin, Italy, in 2022, four years after the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with more than 300 participants from 100 countries.

To date the NEC conferences have engaged over 150 countries and their governments globally. More importantly, they have brought together influential players from oversight and accountability sectors within each of these countries to connect, engage and share about issues that fall within the ethos of good governance, evidence-based decision making and better performance management.

The NEC Information Centre

The NEC Information Centre brings together information on the NEC Conference series, publications, documents and tools on national evaluation capacities. The platform strives to provide relevant information on many aspects of national evaluation systems for sharing and learning purposes. It is maintained by the Independent Evaluation Office of the United Nations Development Programme.

Join the conversation

If you have any questions or would like to start a discussion, join us in the NEC community on LinkedIn or email us at ieo.nec@undp.org

About the NEC Conferences

The UNDP Independent Evaluation Office organized the first National Evaluation Capacities (NEC) Conference in 2009 in Casablanca, Morocco, with 55 participants. The conference was a success as it was able to draw unprecedented country and government support. This led to participants calling for follow-up events, and thus IEO launched a series of biennial NEC conferences. The seventh and latest conference in the series was held in Turin, Italy, in 2022, four years after the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with more than 300 participants from 100 countries.

To date the NEC conferences have engaged over 150 countries and their governments globally. More importantly, they have brought together influential players from oversight and accountability sectors within each of these countries to connect, engage and share about issues that fall within the ethos of good governance, evidence-based decision making and better performance management.

The NEC Information Centre

The NEC Information Centre brings together information on the NEC Conference series, publications, documents and tools on national evaluation capacities. The platform strives to provide relevant information on many aspects of national evaluation systems for sharing and learning purposes. It is maintained by the Independent Evaluation Office of the United Nations Development Programme.

Join the conversation

If you have any questions or would like to start a discussion, join us in the NEC community on LinkedIn or email us at ieo.nec@undp.org