Mr. Rachid Benmokhtar Benabdellah, President, Moroccan National Observatory of Human Development
Ms. Saraswathi Menon, Director, UNDP Evaluation Office
Ms. Alia Al-Dali, Resident Representative a.i., UNDP-Morocco
Chairperson: Mr. Abhijit Sen, Member, Planning Commission, India
Opening Remarks by the Chairperson
Brief issues paper presentation
- Angela Bester, Director: Deloitte & Touche, South Africa
Individual presentations by participants
- Morocco: Mohammed BIJAAD, Moroccan National Observatory of Human Development
- Costa Rica: Carla Morales, Vice-Minister, National Planning and Economic Policy
- Mauritania: Ould Khattar Dah, Head of the Sector Policies service
- South Africa: Julie Charmaine, Regional Director of the Western Cape Public Service Commission
- Ms. Charmaine Julie, Regional Director of the Western Cape Public Service Commission (to be confirmed)
- Oscar Garcia, Evaluation Advisor, UNDP Evaluation Office
Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks by Chair
Chairperson: Mr. Tony Aidoo Head, Policy Evaluation & Oversight Unit, Office of the President, Ghana
Opening Remarks by Chair
Brief issues paper presentation
- Alexey Kuzmin, President, Process Consulting Company, Russia.
Individual presentations by participants
- Brazil: Joana Mostafa, Member Social Policies and Studies Divison, Comission of Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies
- Malaysia: Mr. Mohd Khidir, Deputy Director, Implementation Coordination Unit within the prime Minister’s Office
- RELAC Latin American Network of Evaluation: Pablo Rodríguez, Executive Committee
- Niger: Seydou Yayé, Director General, Programme Evaluation and Development, Ministry of Economy and Finance
- M. Joseph Jonas Avrilus, Coordinator, Unit of Coordination and Programming, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Haiti
- Alexandra Chambel, Evaluation Specialist, UNDP Evaluation Office
Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks by Chair
Open Space: Structured time available for informal exchanges and discussion between the participants
Mr. Juan Manuel Cordero, Vice Minister, Ministry of Social Development, Costa Rica
Opening Remarks by Chair
Brief issues paper presentation
- Oumoul Khayri Ba Tall, President of the International Organization on Evaluation
Individual presentations by participants
- Rwanda: Bernabe Sebagabo Director of Planning Policies and Capacity Building
- Colombia: Diego Dorado, Director of Evaluation of Public Policies, Sinergia, Department of Planning
- PREVAL Monitoring and Evaluation for Rural Development, Emma Rotondo, Executive Director
- Association Marocaine de l’Evaluation, Ahmed Bencheikh
- Mr. Seydou Yaye. Director General of Evaluation of Programmes and Development, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Niger
- Fabrizio Felloni, Evaluation Specialist, UNDP Evaluation Office
Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks by Chair
Chairperson: Mr. Eric Shitindi, Deputy Permanent Secretary, President's Office - Public Service Management
Opening Remarks by Chair
- Sri Lanka: Velayuthan Sivagnanasothy, Director General, Ministry of Finance & Planning: Department of Foreign Affairs and Budget Monitoring
Brief issues paper presentation
- Osvaldo Feinstein, consultant former Advisor and Manager at the World Bank Evaluation Department and Senior Evaluator at IFAD
Individual presentations by participants
- Benin: Aristide DJIDJOHO, Coordinator of the office of evaluation of public policies, Ministry of Forecasting, Development and Evaluation of Public Policies
- Guatemala: Fernando Sánchez, Coordinator, General Secretariat for Planning and Programming
- Tajikistan: Mr. Rahmonov Abdughaffor, Deputy Chairman, State Committee on Aid Coordination and Investment Promotion
- Captain Donkor, Acting Director, NDPC Monitoring & Evaluation Division.
- Juha Uitto, Deputy Director, UNDP Evaluation Office
Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks by Chair
Chairpersons of sessions 1,2,3 and 4 report back to the roundtable discussion
Panel Discussion on emerging conclusions
Concluding Remarks
Mr. Rachid Benmokhtar Benabdellah, President Moroccan National Observatory of Human Development
Ms. Saraswathi Menon, Director of UNDP Evaluation Office
- Oscar Garcia, Evaluation Advisor,
- Alexandra Chambel, Evaluation Specialist, UNDP Evaluation Office