Workshop 4 - Sustainability-Inclusive Evaluation - English (*Small groups can be done in Spanish)


Language : English (*Small groups can be done in Spanish)


  • Andy Rowe (Footprint Evaluation)
  • Anna Warnholz (DEval)

Brief Description:

This interactive workshop will explore various strategies to ensure that evaluations across government portfolios and program focuses include environmental sustainability and equity in their design and approach. The workshop will emphasize practical steps for government agencies and evaluators to improve ecosystem health and equity in all evaluations.

Key topics include:

  • Applying the OECD-DAC criteria with a focus on environmental sustainability.
  • Incorporating environmental sustainability into key evaluation questions.
  • Recognizing environmental linkages in theories of change.
  • Using a two-dimensional rubric matrix to integrate evaluations on environmental sustainability and equity.
  • Adapting organizational processes, such as sustainability-inclusive M&E systems, frameworks, and tools.
  • Accessing and integrating expertise and knowledge from community, Indigenous, and technical insights.

Targeted Audiences:

  • Evaluators commissioned to undertake project and program evaluations.
  • Commissioning entities seeking to understand relevance, effectiveness and sustainability, efficiency, coherence and impact of investments in project and programming areas. 
  • Officials tasked with learning from evaluation and using evidence to support decisions.