Workshop 2 - Visualizing and mapping evidence for decision making - English


Language : English


  • Shivit Bakrania (UNDP)
  • Nina Ashley Dela Cruz (Lanzhou University)
  • Meixuan Li (Lanzhou University)
  • Zhenggang Bai (Campbell China Network)

Brief Description:

This interactive workshop will introduce evidence maps, an online interactive and visual tool that can support evidence informed decision-making.

Evidence maps are innovative visual tools that support informed, efficient, and transparent decision-making in policy, practice, and research. They organize and display the evidence on a topic, set of interventions, activities, projects or programmes, allowing policymakers and practitioners to quickly understand the current state of the best available evidence and make informed decisions.

Workshop participants will learn:

  1. What are evidence maps and for what they can be used.
  2. How to develop an evidence map, from the framework to collecting and coding the studies. 
  3. The utility and value of evidence maps for summarizing bodies of evidence, identifying gaps, enhancing transparency and accessibility, and promoting evidence-informed decision-making.
  4. About different types of evidence maps and different approaches to designing them, including approaches based upon co-production.
  5. How to interpret and use evidence maps.
  6. How to encourage stakeholders in the production and use of evidence maps as a basis for evidence-informed decision making.

Targeted Audiences:

  • This includes national decision-makers at all levels. 
  • Civil society or development organization representatives who have a role as evidence brokers.