Workshop 16 - Accelerating progress towards Agenda 2030: The role of country-led SDG evaluations -English (Spanish material may be available)


Language : English (Spanish material may be available)


  • Ada Ocampo (IDEAS)
  • Thomas Rossmuller (UNICEF)
  • Eddy Garcia (Ministry of Planning, Costa Rica)

Brief Description:

The workshop “Accelerating progress towards Agenda 2030: The role of country-led SDG evaluations” 
will build on the Guidebook “Evaluation to Connect National Priorities with the SDGs: A Guide for Evaluation Commissioners and Challenges“, along with other resources on evaluation and the SDGs.

It will feature real-world examples from various countries, including Nigeria, Finland, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia, and Uganda, highlighting the processes and challenges—both technical and political—faced by these nations. The objectives of this workshop are to: 

  1. Increase awareness about the importance of country-led evaluations to accelerate progress towards the Agenda 2030.
  2. Strengthen understanding on how such evaluations can contribute to transformational change, greater accountability, and good governance.
  3. Increase knowledge about the transformative nature of Agenda 2030 and the relevance of embedding its underlying principles (Leave No One Behind, equity, sustainability, and others) in SDG evaluation processes.
  4. Overcome challenges governments and other stakeholders might face in advocating for and conducting country-led SDG evaluations.
  5. Strengthen confidence in managing SDG evaluations and using the generated evidence to influence high-level decision-making.

Targeted Audiences:

  • Government officials
  • Parliamentarians
  • Civil society organizations and Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs)