Workshop 15 - Country monitoring and evaluation systems assessment (MESA) tools - English


Language : English


  • Ketevan Nozadze (World Bank/ GEI)
  • Sarah Klier (DEval)

With support from CLEAR Centre experts:
Edoe Agbodjan, Lycia Lima, Takunda Chirau and INCE experts: Juan Pablo Mottola, Guido Tomas Quiroga, Eddy Garcia

Brief Description:

This training session aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of national evaluation systems by analysing their main components, relationships and overall capacity. The workshop will cover key elements of diagnostic tools like MESA and INCE, including real-world application experiences.

Participants will gain insights into the role and importance of these diagnostic tools roles within governance systems, and learn to effectively communicate how these tools can be used to support strategic systemic improvement to decision-makers.

Targeted Audiences:

  • Public sector staff
  • International organization professionals
  • Academia
  • Civil society members involved in monitoring and evaluation work